Garšo cukurs? Lūk kāpēc tev jādara viss iespējamais, lai maksimāli izslēgtu to no uztura


No cukura produktos ir grūti izvairīties, bet vai Tu vispār esi gribošs atteikties no cukura savā ikdienā?

Tu to izmanto kā narkotiku

Pieliekot pāris karotes cukura pie katra siltā dzēriena, ir nelāgs ieradums, jo tu izmanto cukuru kā ātro un nenoturīgo enerģiju. Šādā veidā tu aizkavē noguruma iestāšanos, bet neuzņem pilnvērtīgas uzturvielas, kuras patiesībā ļautu tavam ķermenim atjaunot iztērētās enerģijas vielas. Pētījumi atklāj, ka tauki, kuri satur specifiskās ketonvielas ir daudz labāki tavām smadzenēm, lai atjaunotu tavu možumu, uzmanību un enerģiju, nekā cukurs. Tāpēc, nākamreiz, pamēģini aizvietot tējas karoti cukura kafijā, ar tējkaroti sviesta.

Tu mēģini nomest svaru nepareizajā veidā

Mēģinot nomest lieko svaru, tu skaiti kalorijas un izvairies no taukiem, bet patiesībā būtu labāk, ja tu izslēgtu cukuru no savas diētas. Tieši vērtīgie tauki ir tas kas tev ir vajadzīgs. Zivju eļļa ir pilna ar D vitamīnu, kas palīdz uzlabot tavas kognitīvās spējas. Un tauki tev liks sajust sāta sajūtu uz daudz ilgāku laiku nekā cukurs. Tāpēc dienas beigās tu būsi apēdis mazāk pārtikas produktus un nekas nebūs novirzīts uz “rezervēm”.

Tu izmanto cukuru, lai rastu enerģiju treniņiem

Tavs ķermenis ir pieradis dedzināt cukura “enerģiju”, bet patiesās rezerves tas neaiztiek, jo pie tā tas vairs nav pieradis, tāpēc tev arī neizdodas nomest svaru un tev ātrāk apsīkst enerģija. Kad tu būsi pieradinājis savu organismu dedzināt taukus, tad tas vairs neradīs vēlmi pēc cukura.



  • <cite class="fn">Aiane</cite>

    I was another who was dappsiointed with the poor sensitivity to the PR fallout.There’s an ongoing battle for the hearts and minds of the masses and how they choose what to believe. For scientists, science has already won that battle as it clearly deserves. But they seem to take it for granted. For many others science is just another mythology, and generally not their favorite. It tells them what to believe rather than letting them believe what they want. Those who represent and practice science are considered arrogant, shallow, or non-spiritual. This segment of society rejoices in scientific errors and it’s overreaches like OPERA. And they exploit them to fuel denialism and nihilistic fervor. The majority of the public may well be more moderate but they harbor skepticism of both science and antiscience factions and lack the motivation to dig deeper.The stakes are real. Babies die regularly from diseases easily prevented by vaccines available for decades but eschewed by ideological anti-science freaks. Climate calamities and overpopulation are forthcoming. And most importantly, science (evidence and experiment) has yet to be recognized and accepted as arbiter of contentious disagreements.c2a0It’s neither fair nor productive to fault the public when they misunderstand or misconstrue stated facts. That’s what they do. They don’t have the interest or patience to do otherwise. And the media cannot be expected to be an unfaltering single-purposed intermediary.c2a0The PR is the responsibility of the scientific community. It’s not enough to sim2d40ply do good science.OPERA was a monumental and historic failure in this regard, mostly due to it’s time in history, and despite being not especially notable or exceptional as a scientific failure’ (in fact not a failure, but a normal productive exercise of the scientific process).c2a0I disagree that we should view the OPERA saga optimistically as a revelation of the scientific process and its inherent ability to self-correct. Though true, those who accept this were not the problem. Science must be calm and confident and authoritative when it reaches out to the masses. Open and intelligent are insufficient. Being right is not the end-all of scientific responsibility, being perceived as such is a greater responsibility and one that scientists must take seriously in order to continue to receive public funding and have a voice in public policy.c2a0

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