Auto ieslīdēja ezerā un nogrima, tomēr iemesls kāpēc tas notika ir amizants

Pic shows: The van where a couple were making love and rolled into a lake. A German couple had to escape through the windows of a minivan after it rolled into a nearby lake as they were making love in the back. According to the Austrian daily Heute, the driver, aged 49, and his 42-year-old girlfriend were enjoying a late night lovemaking session in the cargo area of his company minivan when it started to move. And before the unfortunate man could stop it, the vehicle landed in the lake. The pair managed to save themselves by climbing out through the windows just in time and swimming to shore. The pair were uninjured but had to call firemen to retrieve the Mercedes minivan from Lake Plansee in Tyrol, Austria. 	 A fire Brigade spokesman said: "The vehicle had to be retrieved immediately as there was a risk it could cause pollution and damage the environment." A crane retrieved the van from the bottom of the lake after a three-hour operation. (ends)

Kāds pāris no Vācijas bija spiests dramatiski pamest savu auto, izmantojot minivena logus, kad auto ieslīdēja netālu esošā ezerā.

Tomēr visinteresantākais ir iemesls, kāpēc pāris nepaspēja noreaģēt uz auto slīdēšanu…

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