Ieskaties, kā dzīvo cilvēki pasaulē visaukstākajā ciematā: apstākļi ir ļoti skarbi



2. Kad transportlīdzekļi tiek atstāti ārā, tie vienmēr jātur iedarbināti. oymyakon-coldest-village-on-earth-amos-chapple-05

3. Kažokādas ir viens no retajiem veidiem, kā Ojmjakonas iedzīvotāji var saglabāt ķermeņa siltumu. Šajā ciematā tās neizmanto modei, bet izdzīvošanai. Tradicionālie briežādas zābaki šajā reģionā ir ļoti populāri, bet maksā līdz pat 300 eiro.






The roof of a house is covered with snow in the village of Tomtor in Oymyakon valley some 700 km northeast from Yakutsk in Russia January 24, 2013. The Republic of Sakha (also known as Yakutia) is a vast region of 3.1 million square km in the far northeast of Russia. It is the location of the Oymyakon valley, where a temperature of -67.7 degrees Celsius (-89.9 degrees Fahrenheit) was registered in 1933 – the coldest on record in the northern hemisphere since the beginning of the 20th century. Yet despite the harsh climate, people live in the valley, and the area is equipped with schools, a post office, a bank, and even an airport runway (albeit open only in the summer). Picture taken January 24, 2013. REUTERS/Maxim Shemetov (RUSSIA)

5. Vietējais vīrietis veic ledainu peldi upē, kas atrodas telts iekšpusē.


6. Suns, kas saritinājies blakus malkas kaudzei. Spēkstacijai nākas dedzināt malku, kad ogles nav pieejamas, jo to piegāde notiek neregulāri. oymyakon-coldest-village-on-earth-09



8. Tā kā auglīgā sezona Ojmjakonā ir tik īsa, cilvēki reti ēd augļus un dārzeņus. Viņu uzturs pārsvarā sastāv no briežu gaļas, zirgu gaļas, zivīm un piena no fermu dzīvniekiem. Šeit makšķernieks ķer zivis pārtikai.

World Tour 2013-2014 - day 38 We had a walk around the main village to see this man fishing on the ice. He use a thread system installed before the ice season. Oymyakon is the coldest inhabited place on earth (-71 degrees) because is located in bottom of a mountain depression. All Siberia lake places were inhabited side the Neolithic. In 3rd century the Huns migrations trough Centre Asia had big influence on migrations of others populations from centre Asia to Siberia. Later some Turkish civilizations migrated there and made the Khakasse Empire, but the north-eastern parts of Siberia kept in a kind of prehistorically lifestyle. Genghis Khan destroyed this Empire at around 1206, leading Siberia civilization to decline. 500 years later some Tatars (old Turkish population integrated in Genghis Khan conquests) migrated to east Siberia and made the Khanat of Siberia (Baikal and Yakutia and Bouriatia are out of it) but where fatly conquered by Ivan the Terrible in 1580 (with help of Cossack, coming from Volga civilization). After Ivan the terrible, Russia continued to progress until Bering Strait since it was interested by fur. Cossack Semion Dejnev arrived in Behring Strait in 1648.

9. Taigas mežs. oymyakon-coldest-village-on-earth-alex-saurel-07

10. Zirgu audzētāja koka mājiņa. oymyakon-coldest-village-on-earth-alex-saurel-10

11. Mājas tiek apkurinātas ar malkas krāsniņām.


12. Šis bārs tiek uzskatīts par vientuļāko pasaulē.




13. Vientuļā bāra apmeklētāji.

Lost bar in Taiga, Oymyakon, Yakutia, Siberia, Russia




15. Lai cik dīvaini neliktos, daudzu cilvēku izdzīvošana ir atkarīga no darba ārā, aukstumā.


16. Benzīntanks pa ceļam uz Ojmjakonu.


17. Modernās ērtības ciematā ir retums. Daudzās mājās ir āra tualete. oymyakon-coldest-village-on-earth-amos-chapple-03


18. Briežādas zābaki.

Reindeer skin traditional boot , Yakutia, Siberia, Russia


Ice fisherman, Oymyakom, Yakutia, Siberia, Russia


A woman passes by in the village of Tomtor in Oymyakon valley some 700 km from Yakutsk in Russia
