Īsti vampīri! Sieviete ļauj dzert savas asinis ne tikai draugam, bet visiem, kas to vēlas!

Viņa ir jauna floriste, kuras mīļotais vīrietis pats sevi ir pasludinājis par vampīru. Tāpēc viņa ļauj vampīram sagriezt sevi ar žiletēm vai skalpeļiem, lai viņš varētu mieloties ar Blutas asnīm.

Kāds Blutas klients ir 43 gadus vecs vīrietis, kurš ir sajūsmā par Blutu un apgalvo, ka viņas asinis viņam sniedzot neiedomājamu enerģiju, bez kuras viņš nespētu izdzīvot. Šo asins dzeršanas procedūru viņi veic pāris reizes gadā.

*** EXCLUSIVE - VIDEO AVAILABLE ***  HOUSTON, TEXAS - MAY 24: Michael Vachmiel and Blut Katzchen photographed at a fellow vampire's home in Houston, TX, on May 24, 2015.   FLORIST Blut Katzchen hides a dark secret - she allows herself to be feasted on by real-life VAMPIRES. The 28-year-old is a 'black swan,Õ someone who allows self proclaimed vampires to drink blood direct from her body. For more than 10 years she has travelled across the US to satisfy the bloodlust of men and women within this little known subculture. Her latest admirer is 43-year-old Michael Vachmiel from Houston, Texas, who claims her blood gives him the energy he needs to survive. The two get together a few times a year to perform the ritual.   PHOTOGRAPH BY Jason Janik / Barcroft USA  UK Office, London. T +44 845 370 2233 W www.barcroftmedia.com  USA Office, New York City. T +1 212 796 2458 W www.barcroftusa.com  Indian Office, Delhi. T +91 11 4053 2429 W www.barcroftindia.com

Pati Bluta sevi dēvē par “melno gulbi”, kura labprātīgi piedāvājas cilvēkiem, lai tie dzer viņas asinis. “Es esmu apsēsta ar vampīru kultu,” stāsta Bluta. “Jau agrā jaunībā es atradu māsas grāmatu plauktā grāmatu par vampīriem un tā tas sākās. Es esmu priecīga, ka varu sniegt cilvēkiem savas asinis. Līdz tam gan ir jānonāk, pieņemot to, ka tu esi devējs, nevis ņēmējs.”

*** EXCLUSIVE - VIDEO AVAILABLE ***  HOUSTON, TEXAS - UNDATED: COLLECT PHOTO shows Michael Vachmiel and Blut Katzchen, in Houston, Texas.   FLORIST Blut Katzchen hides a dark secret - she allows herself to be feasted on by real-life VAMPIRES. The 28-year-old is a 'black swan,Õ someone who allows self proclaimed vampires to drink blood direct from her body. For more than 10 years she has travelled across the US to satisfy the bloodlust of men and women within this little known subculture. Her latest admirer is 43-year-old Michael Vachmiel from Houston, Texas, who claims her blood gives him the energy he needs to survive. The two get together a few times a year to perform the ritual.   PHOTOGRAPH BY Barcroft USA  UK Office, London. T +44 845 370 2233 W www.barcroftmedia.com  USA Office, New York City. T +1 212 796 2458 W www.barcroftusa.com  Indian Office, Delhi. T +91 11 4053 2429 W www.barcroftindia.com

Viņa stāsta, ka saiknei starp asiņu dzērāju un devēju ir jābūt ļoti ciešai. Viņa savam draugam, Maiklam, pilnībā uzticas un viņu attiecības ir ļoti intīmas. Tomēr, Bluta vienmēr uzstāj, ka procedūrai ir jābūt sterilai, ļoti tīrai un drošai.

*** EXCLUSIVE - VIDEO AVAILABLE ***  HOUSTON, TEXAS - MAY 24: Michael Vachmiel and Blut Katzchen photographed at a fellow vampire's home in Houston, TX, on May 24, 2015.   FLORIST Blut Katzchen hides a dark secret - she allows herself to be feasted on by real-life VAMPIRES. The 28-year-old is a 'black swan,Õ someone who allows self proclaimed vampires to drink blood direct from her body. For more than 10 years she has travelled across the US to satisfy the bloodlust of men and women within this little known subculture. Her latest admirer is 43-year-old Michael Vachmiel from Houston, Texas, who claims her blood gives him the energy he needs to survive. The two get together a few times a year to perform the ritual.   PHOTOGRAPH BY Jason Janik / Barcroft USA  UK Office, London. T +44 845 370 2233 W www.barcroftmedia.com  USA Office, New York City. T +1 212 796 2458 W www.barcroftusa.com  Indian Office, Delhi. T +91 11 4053 2429 W www.barcroftindia.com

“Tas nenotiek kā filmās, kad vampīrs iecērt savus zobus upura kaklā. Tas viss ir sterili un droši, izmantojot žiletes, skalpeļus un citus rīkus,” par procesu stāsta “melnais gulbis”. “Protams, pastāv riski, bet es šo daru jau 13 gadus un man nekad nav bijusi kāda no STS slimībām vai kāda cita asiņu kaite.”

Avots: mirror.co.uk