Tevi noteikti interesēs
- Uz vīra telefonu atnāca ziņa no nepazīstama numura. Kāds rakstīja, ka skumst pēc sava “mincīša”by Rinalds Bergmanis
- Kā un kad pārstādīt peonijas no vienas vietas uz citu – veiksmes noslēpumiby Anete Vītola
- Manās mājās pa grīdu var staigāt pat baltās zeķēs; Slepenā sastāvdaļa, ko pievienoju, kad mazgāu grīduby Rinalds Bergmanis
If you can grasp the idea that something as small as a black hole staetrd out as a sun, the idea that a black hole created by smashing a few sub-atomic particles together would cause a world-ending event seems a little silly.But then I guess you should never start with the assumption that quantum mechanics will make sense
Your’s is a point of view where real intelligence shines through.
Your answer was just what I needed. It’s made my day!
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