Lūk daži pozitīvo atsauksmju tvīti pēc Justa uzstāšanās:
#Latvia I AM SPEECHLESS!!!!!!!!!! He sang his heart out… WOW… JAWDROPPING!!! The energy – WOW! #Eurovision
— Ryan (@RyRyanSocial) May 12, 2016
#Latvia might be my ultimate favourite so far. 👌👌👌 #Eurovision
— Charlotte (@ChoirOfFuries) May 12, 2016
What a way to open the competition. Luvin' #Latvia 😍 #Eurovision
— 🏳️🌈 Remus Mark Carballo 🏳️🌈 (@javalavamanila) May 12, 2016
#Eurovisión 2016 #Latvia #Lat #Justs 😍😍😍😍😍 to the Grand Final awesome voice
Tevi arī varētu interesēt— Sr.Qowo (@DanielQowoo) May 12, 2016
I loved #Justs performance ! He got the party started! So stylish and handsome !#Latvia #Eurovision #EurovisionSongContest
— JuliaMinkiPhoto (@JuliaMinkevich) May 12, 2016
The best performance in Eurovision is #Latvia and #Ukraine
— Dennis Bullivant (@dennissbrittan) May 12, 2016
So far #eurovision #Latvia #Israel my faves and now want a kebab
— Michelle Lincoln (@michellelincoln) May 12, 2016
Guys, I think the sex-symbol of #Eurovision 2016 is found 🙂 It's man from #Latvia) pic.twitter.com/S1GUVxArvQ
— `starwalker 🌻⚔️ (@Dafna_Ringer) May 12, 2016
Un lūk daži no kritiskajiem tvītiem:
#Latvia #Poland #Switzerland have god awful songs, feel like 5 hours long each #eurovision
— Jimmy (@Jimmy9614) May 12, 2016
Undecided about #latvia. Great song but appeared to be missing a good chorus #Eurovision
— Phil (@PipFreaksOut) May 12, 2016
I think the production on this song doesn't match the song itself. Sounds like it should be faster? #Latvia #Eurovision
Tevi arī varētu interesēt— Stephen Hayward (@steveygriff) May 12, 2016
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