Atbalstu Kristapam izteikuši jau vairāki NBA spēlētāji, kas norāda, ka viņam ir jādod iespēja sevi pierādīt:
Funny the reactions of NY fans about a player they don't know.
— Rudy Gobert (@rudygobert27) June 26, 2015
But its ok they might buy his jersey pretty soon anyway 😂
— Rudy Gobert (@rudygobert27) June 26, 2015
This lil kid is priceless……
Give Porzingis a chance— Ekpe Udoh (@EkpeUdoh) June 26, 2015
Tāpat atbalstu Porziņģa izvēlei izsaka dažādi NBA eksperti un vienkāršie fani:
Porzingis flew up that draft in the past few weeks after Vegas workout. Great pick up for the Knicks. Be a standout in the league #NBADraft
— Dave Powell (@_DavePowell) June 26, 2015
I'm gonna laugh at everyone when Porzingis kills it this upcoming season
— Brian Demchak (@DemchAK47) June 26, 2015
Kristape Porzingis is a good pick for the Knicks
— Ca$hCorey (@CoreyCash___) June 26, 2015
I hope Kristaps Porzingis turns out to be a great player, so he can shut up that dumbass Stephen A. Smith.
— FG ♊️🌹 (@fgivory) June 26, 2015
I feel that you gotta take the safe pick when you're the Knicks. I think Porzingis can become a good player, but I don't trust the Knicks.
— RJ Barrett Wallace (@costanzaseason) June 26, 2015
Ļoti daudz atsauksmju un neizpratnes ir par Knicks fanu reakciju un ūjināšanu pēc Porziņģa vārda izsaukšanas.
Kristaps Porzingis wanted to be a Knick his entire life…and he gets booed when he finally becomes a Knick. KNICKS FANS, EVERYBODY
Tevi arī varētu interesēt— Aybs (@zonaaybs) June 26, 2015
Knicks fans booing Porzingis. I hope he becomes a huge star and leaves. Thats poor form.
— Gymothy Birdchest (@AWE3333) June 26, 2015
I hope Kristaps Porzingis proves the Knick fans that booed him wrong. At least give the dude a season
— Lord Rev. Young (@BryanIsTheKing) June 26, 2015
Tomēr vienlaikus ir ĻOTi daudz kritisku atsauksmju par Porziņģa izvēli:
I feel bad for that little kid who was crying when the Knicks took PORZINGIS! I would have cried too.
— 然夢 (@BTNHsam24) June 26, 2015
WTF GUYS…REALLY @nyknicks???????????? Kristaps Porzingis???????? for our first pick in the draft…..dude.
— Robby B (@bobrockmn) June 26, 2015
If I'm honest, I'm not liking the Porzingis pick for the #Knicks. Hope I'm wrong. The Grant pick up is an excellent move. He's pro-ready.
— Ryan G (@ArrGee79) June 26, 2015
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