Vēl viens traģisks gadījums – jauniete nomirst, mēģinot uztaisīt ideālu ‘selfiju’ jeb pašbildi

Simpātiskā 18 gadus vecā meitene mira no smagiem apdegumiem, kas klāja viņas ķermeni 50% apmērā. Šos apdegumus Anna guva, kad uzrāpās uz elektrovilciena vagona jumta, lai kopā ar draudzeni uzņemtu, viņuprāt, unikālas pašbildes.

Pic shows: Anna Ursu climbed on top of a train and was electrocuted by a live wire while trying to take a selfie. A selfie-obsessed teen was frazzled to death after climbing on top of a train and being electrocuted by a live wire while trying to take a photo of herself. Brunette Anna Ursu, 18, had gone to the train station with a pal in Iasi in northeast Romania to take the "special selfie" and post it on Facebook. But as she lay on top of the train and stuck her leg in the air, she erupted into a ball of fire when an electrical field surrounding the overhead cables sent 27,000 volts zapping through her body. The doomed girl’s 17-year-old pal who was on top of the train with her was sent flying off by the force of the blast. A passerby who saw the horrific accident risked their own life by scrambling on top of the carriage to put out the girl’s burning clothes before phoning the emergency services. He said he had been going for a walk when he spotted the girls playing on top of the carriage. He had called out to them to keep their heads and legs down and then heard a loud bang as the girl turned into a human fireball. Both teens were helicoptered to hospital but the 18-year-old who had over 50 percent of burns over her body later died. A hospital spokesman said that although the girl hadn’t touched the wire, she had touched the electrical field which was just as deadly. The girl’s pal who survived said she had wanted to get the "ultimate selfie" and that they had not even considered the danger. (ends)

Aculiecinieks uzrunāja meitenes, lai viņas tūlīt nokāpj no vagona jumta, jo tas ir bīstami. Meitenes neklausījās. Anna kāpa pirmā. Kad viņa bija bija pilnībā uzrāpusies uz elektrovilciena jumta un turpināja virzīties uz priekšu, lai arī draudzenei pietiktu vietas uzrāpties, viņa saņēma 27,000 voltu lielu triecienu, kas notrieca viņu no vagona jumta un aizdedzināja viņu. Trieciena brīdī otra meitene nolēca no vagona, kas viņu paglāba no tāda paša likteņa kā Annas gadījumā.

Lasi vēl: 10 gadus vecs zēns nomira pēc pavadītas dienas baseinā. Uzmanību visiem vecākiem!!

Pic shows: Anna Ursu climbed on top of a train and was electrocuted by a live wire while trying to take a selfie. A selfie-obsessed teen was frazzled to death after climbing on top of a train and being electrocuted by a live wire while trying to take a photo of herself. Brunette Anna Ursu, 18, had gone to the train station with a pal in Iasi in northeast Romania to take the "special selfie" and post it on Facebook. But as she lay on top of the train and stuck her leg in the air, she erupted into a ball of fire when an electrical field surrounding the overhead cables sent 27,000 volts zapping through her body. The doomed girl’s 17-year-old pal who was on top of the train with her was sent flying off by the force of the blast. A passerby who saw the horrific accident risked their own life by scrambling on top of the carriage to put out the girl’s burning clothes before phoning the emergency services. He said he had been going for a walk when he spotted the girls playing on top of the carriage. He had called out to them to keep their heads and legs down and then heard a loud bang as the girl turned into a human fireball. Both teens were helicoptered to hospital but the 18-year-old who had over 50 percent of burns over her body later died. A hospital spokesman said that although the girl hadn’t touched the wire, she had touched the electrical field which was just as deadly. The girl’s pal who survived said she had wanted to get the "ultimate selfie" and that they had not even considered the danger. (ends)

Aculiecinieks nekavējoties pieskrēja pie degošās Annas un ar savām drēbēm sāka dzēst uguni. Kad tas bija izdarīts, tūlīt izsauca ātro palīdzību. Annu uz slimnīcu transportēja ar helikopteru. Annas ķermeni 50% apmērā klāja apdegumi. Anna diemžēl ilgi pēc šī traģiskā notikuma neizdzīvoja.

Pic shows: Anna Ursu climbed on top of a train and was electrocuted by a live wire while trying to take a selfie. A selfie-obsessed teen was frazzled to death after climbing on top of a train and being electrocuted by a live wire while trying to take a photo of herself. Brunette Anna Ursu, 18, had gone to the train station with a pal in Iasi in northeast Romania to take the "special selfie" and post it on Facebook. But as she lay on top of the train and stuck her leg in the air, she erupted into a ball of fire when an electrical field surrounding the overhead cables sent 27,000 volts zapping through her body. The doomed girl’s 17-year-old pal who was on top of the train with her was sent flying off by the force of the blast. A passerby who saw the horrific accident risked their own life by scrambling on top of the carriage to put out the girl’s burning clothes before phoning the emergency services. He said he had been going for a walk when he spotted the girls playing on top of the carriage. He had called out to them to keep their heads and legs down and then heard a loud bang as the girl turned into a human fireball. Both teens were helicoptered to hospital but the 18-year-old who had over 50 percent of burns over her body later died. A hospital spokesman said that although the girl hadn’t touched the wire, she had touched the electrical field which was just as deadly. The girl’s pal who survived said she had wanted to get the "ultimate selfie" and that they had not even considered the danger. (ends)

Otra meitene arī tika nogādāta slimnīcā , bet, ņemot vērā, ka viņas traumas bija daudz vieglākas nekā Annai, tad viņa par laimi izdzīvoja.

Pic shows: Anna Ursu climbed on top of a train and was electrocuted by a live wire while trying to take a selfie. A selfie-obsessed teen was frazzled to death after climbing on top of a train and being electrocuted by a live wire while trying to take a photo of herself. Brunette Anna Ursu, 18, had gone to the train station with a pal in Iasi in northeast Romania to take the "special selfie" and post it on Facebook. But as she lay on top of the train and stuck her leg in the air, she erupted into a ball of fire when an electrical field surrounding the overhead cables sent 27,000 volts zapping through her body. The doomed girl’s 17-year-old pal who was on top of the train with her was sent flying off by the force of the blast. A passerby who saw the horrific accident risked their own life by scrambling on top of the carriage to put out the girl’s burning clothes before phoning the emergency services. He said he had been going for a walk when he spotted the girls playing on top of the carriage. He had called out to them to keep their heads and legs down and then heard a loud bang as the girl turned into a human fireball. Both teens were helicoptered to hospital but the 18-year-old who had over 50 percent of burns over her body later died. A hospital spokesman said that although the girl hadn’t touched the wire, she had touched the electrical field which was just as deadly. The girl’s pal who survived said she had wanted to get the "ultimate selfie" and that they had not even considered the danger. (ends)

Šīs meitenes nāve ir pierādījums, ka pašbilžu taisīšana nav pati svarīgākā šai dzīvē, un to dēļ noteikti nav vērts zaudēt dzīvību. Būsim uzmanīgi!

Avots: dailymail.co.uk