Vai kāds var izskaidrot šīs baismīgās bildes no pagātnes? #5 kaut kas ļoti dīvains!

Kas šāds bērnam noteikti bija ļoti biedējošs, tomēr, kas tas ir?

That must be horrifying for the kid!

Viņš noteikti gaidīja, kamēr viņa sataisīsies

1. This guy was probably waiting for her to finish her make-up!

Vai tās sievietes smejas? Kādēļ?

2. Are those women laughing? Why are they laughing?

Kāds te izskatās ļoti dusmīgs!

3. Someone looks pretty mad with someone!

Viņam noteikti ļoti patīk tā galva bez ķermeņa

5. He is so happy combing the head... the head that has no body! Spooky!

Tas noteikti ir…pagaidi, kas tas ir?!

6. Okay, so this is a... wait, what is that again?

Un kas tas par savādu rituālu?

7. Now what on sweet Earth is that?

Izskatās, ka viņa tikko ir iznākusi no cietuma

8. Oh so badass! This girl looks like she just got out of prison!

Ļoti skaistas maskas!

10. Ladies! Let's lose the mask now, shall we?

Laikam pirmais gadījums vēsturē, kad klauni sāka šķist biedējoši

11. People! This was probably the first time in recorded history when clowns gave people the creeps!

Mīkla: vīrietis ir ļoti garš vai bērni ir ļoti īsi?

12. Okay, this is a real conundrum. Is that guy really tall, or those two really short?

Kāds šeit laikam ir ticis nogalināts!

14. Looks to me that someone was murdered on the bed that was on!
