Viņa atriebās, apgānot sava neuzticīgā puiša auto. Bet jau drīz saprata, ka pieļāvusi drausmīgu kļūdu


23 gadus vecā Lī Tana bija pārliecināta, ka viņas puisis Dē Vu viņu krāpj ar nezināmu sievieti. 

Dē bija solījis atgriezties mājās noteiktā laikā, taču kavēja, un Lī kļuva arvien dusmīgāka un dusmīgāka, kamēr gaidīja viņu.

Pic shows: The car was covered in sanitary towels. A man who stayed at a friendís house to plan a surprise birthday party for his girlfriend had the shock of his life when he got home and found she had covered his car in sanitary towels - because she thought he was having an affair. Green-eyed Li Tan, 23, was convinced boyfriend De Wu, 24, was cheating on her in Dancheng Township in eastern Chinaís Zhejiang province. So when he did not come home that night she went to her local shops, bought 30 pads and stuck them all over the car he was renting as stunned passers-by watched on. Li's pal Chung Chen, 24, said: "She was furious, and I told her she should wait to see what he said before she attacked the car, as it wasnít even his. "But she wouldnít listen as she was convinced he was cheating on her and so I let her get on with it. "It made her feel better." Fuming Li then went online and using the nickname "Unkind" posted photos of the mess alongside the caption: "Thatís right, I did it!!" She was quickly swamped with messages of support from online viewers. One, Xia Lo posted: "Great move! Thatíll teach him." Another, Tao Fang wrote: "Hahaha, go for it, girl." And Yu Feng said: "You should have done it with used ones." When bewildered boyfriend De got back home the following day he was shocked at what he saw. He said: "I asked her what had happened and she flew into a rage. "I explained what I had been arranging her surprise party for and showed her the reservation I had made online for a fancy restaurant I was going to take her to. "I then told her her that all her friends were going to turn up later. "She eventually believed me and we sorted things out, but I donít think anyone will want to rent that car anytime soon." (ends)

Tādējādi viņai radās diezgan savāda ideja, kā atriebties par krāpšanu – tā ietvēra 30 higiēniskās paketes un īrētu Toyota auto. Lī draudzene viņai lūdza pagaidīt, līdz Dē atgriežas un paskaidro situāciju, bet Lī atteicās. Viņa bija pārliecināta, ka tiek krāpta, un nekas nevarētu likt viņai pārdomāt.

Lasi vēl: Draudzene no ELLES: kā viņa mocīja savu vīrieti par atteikšanos no seksa, ir ārprāts


Lī devās uz veikalu un iegādājās vairākus iepakojumus ar sieviešu higiēniskajām paketēm.

Viņa tā lepojās ar paveikto atriebības plānu, ka publicēja attēlus internetā ar parakstu “jā, es to izdarīju!”.

Bet jau pavisam drīz Lī nācās saprast, cik milzīgu kļūdu viņa ir pieļāvusi ar šādu rīcību.

Šķir nākamo lapu, lai uzzinātu, kas notika tālāk!