Brīdinājums VISIEM, kuriem ir mājdzīvnieki – lūk kas iemetās galvā šai meitenei

Vainīga bija milzīga cista. Tā bija tik liela, ka piespieda smadzenes pie galvaskausa malām.

AHMEDABAD, INDIA - 2016: Picture shows a hydatid or tapeworm cyst weighing 675 grams, it was removed from the brain of Nita Jugi, 14, by doctors at Sterling Hospital in Ahmedabad, India. She started suffering from severe headaches a year ago and often had fits, her situation worsened as she developed paralysis in the right side of her body. After a thorough medical examination the cyst was found inside her brain. The cyst is considered to be the biggest in medical history as its weight was half that of the girl's brain. The surgery took two and a half hours. Pictures Supplied by: Cover Asia Press

Ķirurgs no smadzenēm izņēma hidatīdu cistu, kas tur bija augusi astoņu līdz desmit gadu garumā.

Hidatīdu cista veidojas ieperinoties lenteņa kāpuram (ehinokokoze), kad lenteņa olas tiek uzņemtas ar pārtiku vai ūdeni, kas tās satur.

AHMEDABAD, INDIA - 2016: Before surgery brain scan of Nita Jugi, 14. It shows a hydatid or tapeworm cyst weighing 675 grams. The cyst was removed by doctors in a two and a half hour long surgery at Sterling Hospital in Ahmedabad, India. Nina started suffering from severe headaches a year ago and often had fits, her situation worsened as she developed paralysis in the right side of her body. After a thorough medical examination the cyst was found inside her brain. The cyst is considered to be the biggest in medical history as its weight was half that of the girl's brain. Pictures Supplied By: Cover Asia Press

Lenteņa embrijs attīstās kāpura stadijā un, izveidojot hidatīdu cistu, spēj dzīvot cilvēka orgānos gadiem ilgi.

Nitas lenteņa cista svēra 675g un bija uz pusi tik liela kā viņas smadzenes, un, ja tā būtu pārsprāgusi, tad vienā mirklī meiteni nogalinātu.

AHMEDABAD, INDIA - 2016: Picture shows a hydatid or tapeworm cyst weighing 675 grams, it was removed from the brain of Nita Jugi, 14, by doctors at Sterling Hospital in Ahmedabad, India. She started suffering from severe headaches a year ago and often had fits, her situation worsened as she developed paralysis in the right side of her body. After a thorough medical examination the cyst was found inside her brain. The cyst is considered to be the biggest in medical history as its weight was half that of the girl's brain. The surgery took two and a half hours. Pictures Supplied by: Cover Asia Press

Cistas izņemšanas operācija, kuru veica ķirurgs Solanki ar savu komandu, ilga divas ar pusi stundas.

Laimīgā kārtā Nitas atveseļošanās noritēja bez komplikācijām, un jau pēc divām nedēļām viņa varēja doties mājās. Meitene stāsta, ka pirms tam jutās ļoti slikti un veselības problēmu dēļ bieži raudāja, taču tagad viņa atkal jūtas labi, var spēlēties ar draugiem, un ir ļoti laimīga.

Nitas ģimene atzina, ka dzīvo ļoti antisanitāros apstākļos un neievēro pareizu higiēnu. Šī iemesla dēļ, visticamāk, lentenis arī nonāca meitenes organismā.

AHMEDABAD, INDIA - 2016: Picture shows a hydatid or tapeworm cyst weighing 675 grams, it was removed from the brain of Nita Jugi, 14, by doctors at Sterling Hospital in Ahmedabad, India. She started suffering from severe headaches a year ago and often had fits, her situation worsened as she developed paralysis in the right side of her body. After a thorough medical examination the cyst was found inside her brain. The cyst is considered to be the biggest in medical history as its weight was half that of the girl's brain. The surgery took two and a half hours. Pictures Supplied by: Cover Asia Press

Pēc šī gadījuma ķirurgs Solanki vēlējās brīdināt visus, kuriem ir mājdzīvnieki:

“Visiem vajadzētu saviem mājdzīvniekiem dot zāles pret lenteņiem. Dzīvniekam ir loti viegli to iegūt, pārnēsāt un nodot tālāk cilvēkam. Lūk, kas notiek, ja par to neliekas ne zinis. Ja gadās pieskarties noklīdušiem dzīvniekiem, tad pēc tam vienmēr ir jānomazgā rokas.”