Pēdējās mazās meitenītes bildes, pirms vecmāmiņa un tante viņu nomocīja līdz nāvei

This is the harrowing footage of a parched seven-year-old girl desperately looking for a drink hours before she died while living with her auntie who has now been found guilty of child cruelty. See NTI story NTICRUEL. Kay-Ann Morris, 24, was cleared of the Shanay Walkerís murder but convicted of cruelty towards the little girl after her body was found with more than 50 injuries on it on July 31, last year. She had died in Bestwood, Notts., and her grandmother, Juanila Smikle, 53, was also found guilty of cruelty towards the girl and three other children on Thursday (4/6). In CCTV footage released by the Crown Prosecution Service, Shanay can be seen scampering over to a local convenience store desperately searching for a drink the evening before she died. In the 46-second clip, the youngster, wearing pink pyjamas, walks over to the shop at about 8.45pm and stands at the till talking to the attendant. The video is the last known footage of the child alive.

Lūdzu, vai varu dabūt dzērienu? Tās ir traģiskās pēdējās Šanejas (7 gadi) bildes, kuras nesen nodotas atklātībā, pirms meitene tika atrasta mirusi ar neskaitāmiem nobrāzumiem un rētām…

Vistraģiskākais šajā stāstā ir fakts, ka mazo meiteni bija līdz nāvei nomocījusi viņas vecmāmiņa un tante.

Šie traģiskie notikumi norisinājās teju gadu atpakaļ, bet tagad ir arī pieejams video, kurā var pēdējo reizi redzēt vēl dzīvu mazo Šaneju. Izmisusi un izslāpusi, mazā meitene pidžamā un kailām kājām aizskrējusi no savas mājas uz tuvējo veikalu, lai palūgtu padzerties.

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